Aspirin Article-What did you learn? ANSWERS

  1. What do willow tree bark extract, oil of wintergreen, and aspirin have in common? What these compounds have in common is their anti-inflammatory properties and they are some of the oldest and most frequently used drugs.
  2. The study of the chemistry of medicinal plants began in the 1800s. Why would it have been difficult to identify the active ingredients in those plants? Chemical techniques of the day were relatively simple. In the bark of the willow tree, there would be hundreds of different compounds. Separating them from one another and identifying their effects in the body would have been very difficult with the limited knowledge and techniques.
  3. What were some of the drawbacks to salicylic acid as a pain reliever? Salicylic acid is very irritating to the stomach. It can cause severe heartburn.
  4. Felix Hoffman, who worked for the Bayer Company, invented aspirin in 1899. How did he make it? By reacting acetic acid with salicylic acid to produce acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. What are some of the benefits of aspirin? It relieves fever, pain, and inflammation, prevents some types of heart attacks, and inhibits clotting.
  6. How does aspirin work? Aspirin stops the production of hormone-like compounds called prostaglandins. Aspirin interferes with the action on cyclooxygenase, which is the enzyme at the beginning of prostaglandin synthesis.
  7. What are some strategies for reducing stomach irritation caused by aspirin? Buffered aspirin is a combination of aspirin with some other compounds to reduce acidity. Enteric aspirin is coated with a substance that allows the pill to pass through the stomach without being dissolved, thereby eliminating stomach irritation.
  8. What are some other medical discoveries that have been found as a result of our understanding of how aspirin works? A specific prostaglandin that promotes coagulation of blood and another that inhibits it have been identified. A new group of prostaglandins that are related to the inflammation of asthma has also been discovered.

Lesson 4

Acids and Bases Unit
