Acid Cloud Exploration

Teacher Demo-

1. Prepare an indicator solution by dissolving 0.01g methyl orange in 10 mL distilled water.                                                                                                                           

2. Dilute the indicator solution from 10 mL to 50 mL. Add 10 mL of the resulting indicator solution to each of the 2 beakers.                                                                     

3. Attach a wooden stick to the inner side of one beaker containing 10 mL indicator solution with sticky tack.                                                                                                        

4. Attach 2 matches to the inner side of another beaker containing 10 mL indicator solution with sticky tack.                                                                                                          

5. Ignite the wooden stick and the matches with a longer kitchen match.

6. Cover the beakers with watch glasses.

7. Swirl the indicator solutions gently and observe their color.


Beaker 1-wooden stick

Beaker 2-matches

Initial observations of solution



After igniting





After swirling






Conclusions and Discussion:

Identify the control, independent, and dependent variables.





What conclusions can be made about the approximate pH of the two solutions?





What caused the acidity to increase?




Propose a reaction.



Lesson 3

Acids and Bases Unit