Lesson 2: Electric Fruit

Objectives: The students will be introduced to redox reactions. 

The students will also recognize electrical conductivity as a property of acids and bases.

Standards Addressed by lesson:


Concept: Acids are good conductors of electricity.  Bases also conduct electricity but poorly.

Exploration:  Make a Lemon "battery".  Use 3 lemons.  Using galvanized copper and zinc wire connect the lemons to each other.  Hook a multimeter to the lemons to measure the electric current. Plug a LED alarm clock into the lemons using the wires.  Repeat with another item.

Data Collection:  Record observations and organize multimeter readings into a chart.

Concept Introduction:


Application Activity: Cut an apple using a knife.  Why does the apple turn brown? (redox reaction with the air)

History: Video Supplement (JChemEd)


Dr. Dan

Lemon battery


Swartling, D.J. and Morgan, C.  1998. Lemon Cells Revisited- The Lemon-Powered Calculator, Journal of Chemical Education.2, 75, 181-182.

Acids and Bases Unit
