Experience Summary

            My cooperating teacher, Andrea Leonard, allowed me the opportunity to teach concept mapping to her chemistry I class.  She asked me to teach it on a day that only the juniors and seniors were in attendance, so as to not disrupt the regular schedule, which is very busy.  I chose the topic of bonding, which they were just finishing, as the subject of the concept maps.  Using vocabulary from chapters 6 and 7 of their textbooks, I compiled a list of fifteen terms for them to use in their maps.

            I wrote the terms on the board at the beginning of class.  I then asked them if they had done concept mapping before.  All of them claimed to have made them in other classes previously.  Based on their prior knowledge and descriptions of what they had done, I felt I did not have to explain much about what concept maps were.  We made a general concept map together on the board as an example.  I gave them the subject of “McDonalds” and asked the students to give me terms or words that came to mind as describing the restaurant.  We formed a small concept map fairly quickly with their suggestions.  I then asked them to give me linking words to finish the map.  Confident in their concept mapping experience, I gave them the task of using their books and notes to make their own concept map with the terms on the board.  The whole class was finished in about twenty minutes. 

            From the students’ work, a wide range of understanding about concept maps in general and the subject of “bonding” can be observed.   I felt this was a good exercise as an assessment and wrap-up of the subject area they had been studying.  I noticed some students using their notes and books more than others.  Some of them said they needed to study more before their test. The activity really allowed them to see how well they understood their material.  Based on this experience, I would use concept mapping again, especially as an assessment tool, but would like experiment with it in other aspects as well.

Concept Mapping Lesson
