Concept Maps Rubric
Rubric created with TaskStream (
Criteria 6 points  4 points  2 points  0 points  Bonus 1 point each  Your Score
Linking Words
Links between all terms 
10-5 links connecting terms 
Less than 5 links connecting terms 
No links are given between terms 
Used all terms provided 
Map is missing 1-2 of the terms 
Map is missing 3-5 of the terms 
Map is missing more than 5 terms 
Relevance and Accuracy
All links are relevant and accurate 
Most of the links are relevant and accurate 
Some of the links are relevant or accurate 
No relevance or accuracy reflected within map 
Hierarchy and Correct material included
All levels are correct and show hierarchy 
More than 3 levels have correct hierarchy 
Only 1-2 levels show correct hierarchy  
No hierarchy observed or all levels incorrect 
Crosslinks-Bonus for each
Provided a crosslink from one concept to another 


Concept Mapping
