The Cornerstone of Introvertness


When I was young, I had a place.  I was the one who always got picked on.  I was the cousin who was always made fun of.  I was the kid in school no one really wanted to play with.  I was the person at the lunch table that no one noticed was sick that day.  I was the person who was forgotten when making invitations.  It started at such an early age that sometimes I ask myself:  “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”  Did I become such an introvert, with such disgraceful self-esteem because of how everyone around me treated me, or did people feel they could treat me that way because I led them to believe it because I wouldn’t stick up for myself, because I didn’t think I was worth it?  So many decisions in your life come down to those first years, and your foundations.  How would my life have been different?  Where would I be now?  Do I really want to know?
