Frank Gardella Frank Gardella

Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
Hunter College, NY

Ed.D. 1973, Mathematics Education - School Administration, Rutgers University
M.A. 1970, Mathematics, Brooklyn College
M.A. 1966, Secondary Education - Mathematics, Lehigh University
B.S. 1964, Mathematics & Philosophy, Fordham University

Personal web page

Research Interests:
  • Sequencing Algebra 1 program for better learning match with students
  • Utilizing developmental language to move to mathematics symbolism and vocabulary
  • Sequencing 6th and 7th grade mathematics programs to ready students for Algebra 1 in grade 8.

Dr. Gardella has been working with the Southwest Mathematics Team since Fall 2008, starting with discussions that October. (To read a more complete account of his professional background and history, see his Hunter College Personal web page.) He brought to Kansas City his expertise with the Manhattan Hunter Science Early College School, Manhattan, NY, and others in the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation (WWFF) Early College Network, through a Middle School Mathematics Workshop at Southwest April 2-3, 2009. Since July 2009, Frank has joined us here in Kansas City for monthly workshops to re-write and re-sequence the Southwest mathematics curriculum, mentor our teachers, and improve our mathematical pedagogy in every way, his travel expenses being generously funded by the WWFF.