Pinar Tulay Pinar Tulay

M.S. 2009, Prenatal Genetics & Fetal Medicine, UCL
M.Res. 2008, Biomedical Science Research, Imperial College
B.S. 2006, Chemistry & Mathematics, UMKC

What Pinar has to say:
[23 May 2012]

After Pinar graduated from UMKC in 2006, she completed her MRes in Biomedical Science Research at Imperial College, London, England in 2008 and MSc in Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine at UCL (University College London) in 2009. Pinar joined the UCL Centre for PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) in September 2009 as a full time Ph.D. student and a scientist performing PGD.

For her Ph.D., she is focusing on investigating DNA repair, gene expression and chromosomal abnormalities in human oocytes and embryos. For her clinical PGD work, she has been involved in developing and optimising PGD protocols for inherited cancer predisposition and PGD for translocations. She is living in London, England now, finishing her Ph.D. by the end of this year and job hunting at the same time. She is trying to find something back home (in Cyprus) or at least in Turkey, trying to be close to home and her family.

[While at UMKC, on Nov. 11, 2005 Pinar gave a talk in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Expository Talks Series, titled: "Leonhard Euler's 1770 'Proof' that: It is impossible to find any two cubes, whose sum or difference is a cube."]

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