(Daisy) Dai, PhD
Associate Professor
Health Services & Outcomes
Research, Children’s Mercy Hospital
Department of Biomedical & Health
Informatics, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Department of Pediatrics, University of Missouri-Kansas
Full member, University of Kansas Cancer Center
Contact Information
Mailing Address: 2420 Pershing Road,
Kansas City, Mo. 64108
Office Phone: (816) 701-5233
E-mail: hdai@cmh.edu or daih@umkc.edu
Research Interests
· Mixture modeling, including latent class analysis (LCA), growth mixture modeling, latent transition analysis (LTA), and hierarchical modeling.
· Development of novel statistical methods for big data, high dimensional data (e.g. large-scale genetics data), multiple comparison adjustment, mixture modeling, Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS), Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) for complex genetic traits, semiparametric modeling, and survey methodology with small area estimation for observational studies.
· Public health research on tobacco use and health disparities, such as policy research for Tobacco 21 and smoke-free air laws, national health survey research for youth e-cigarette and other substance use, spatial research to identify socio-economic disparities and disease burden.
· Social media research for public health surveillance, including real-time forecast using Google Trend, sentiment analysis and text mining using Twitter data.
Courses Currently Teaching
Statistical Software Development
R package “CombinePValue” to test whether a vector of p-values are
jointly significant when we combine them together
Statistical Methodology and High Dimensional Data Research
1. Dai H, Wu G, Wu M, Zhi D. An Optimal Bahadur-efficient Method in Detection of Sparse Signals with Applications to Pathway Analysis in Sequencing Association Studies. PLoS ONE. 2016 [Impact Factor=2.8]
2. Dai H, Charnigo R. Compound Hierarchical Correlated Beta Mixture with an Application to Cluster Mouse Transcription Factor DNA Binding Data. Biostatistics. 2015 [Impact Factor=1.8]
3. Dai H, Charnigo R. D_CDF Test of Negative Log Transformed P-values with Application to Genetic
Pathway Analysis, Statistics and
Its Interface. 2014, 7(2): 187-200. [Impact Factor=2.9]
4. Dai H, Leeder S, Cui Y. A Modified Generalized Fisher Method for Combining Probabilities from Dependent Tests. Frontiers in Genetics. 2014, 20. [Impact Factor=3.9]
5. Fan Q, Charnigo R, Talebizadeh Z, Dai H. Hypothesis Testing in
Normal Admixture Models to Detect Heterogeneous Genetic Signals. Journal
Biometrics and
Biostatistics. 2014, 5:5.
6. Dai H, Charnigo R, Vyhlidal C, Jones B, Bhandary M. Mixed Modeling and Sample Size Calculations for Identifying Housekeeping Genes, Statistics in Medicine. 2013, 32(18): 3115-25. [Impact Factor=2.1]
7. Dai H, Charnigo R, Becker M, Leeder J, Motsinger-Reif A. Risk Score Modeling of Multiple Gene to Gene Interactions using Aggregated-Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction, BMC BioData Mining. 2013, 6(1):1. [Impact Factor=2.2]
8. Bhandary M and Dai H. An Alternative Test for the Equality of Variances for Several Populations in Randomized Complete Block Design, Statistical Methodology. 2013, 11, 22-35.
9. Charnigo R, Qian F, Bittel D, Dai H. Testing Unilateral versus Bilateral Normal Contamination.
Statistics and Probability Letters. 2013, 83 (1): 163-167.
10. Charnigo R, Zhou F, Dai H. Contaminated Chi-Square Modeling and Large-Scale ANOVA Testing, Journal
Biometrics and
Biostatistics. 2013, 4:1.
11. Dai H, Charnigo R, Srivastava T, Talebizadeh Z, Ye S. Integrating P-values for Genetic and Genomic
Data Analysis, Journal of Biometrics and
Biostatistics. 2012, 3:e117.
12. Dai H, Bhandary M, Becker M, Leeder S, Gaedigk R, Motsinger-Reif A. Global Tests of P-values for Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Models in Selection of Optimal Number of Target Genes. BMC BioData Mining. 2012, 5(3). [Impact Factor=2.2]
13. Deng W, Charnigo R, Dai H, Kirby RS. Characterizing Components in a Mixture Model for Birthweight Distribution. Journal
Biometrics & Biostatistics. 2011, 2(118).
14. Dai H and Charnigo R. Contaminated Normal Modeling with Application in Microarray Experiments. Canadian Journal of Statistics 2010, 38(2): 315-332.
15. Bhandary M and Dai H. An Alternative Test for the Equality
of Variances for several
Populations. Journal of Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 2009, 38(1): 109-117.
16. Dai H and Charnigo R. Inferences in Contaminated Regression and Density Models. Sankhya. 2008, 69(4): 842-869.
17. Dai H and Charnigo, R. Omnibus
Testing and Gene Filtration in Microarray Data Analysis.
Journal of Applied Statistics. 2007, 34(10): 1165-1183.
Public Health and Policy Research on Tobacco Use and Health
18. Dai H, Hao J. Flavored Electronic Cigarette
Use and Smoking Among Youth. Pediatrics. 2016. [Impact Factor=5.8] This study received 100 media citations, including Altmetric,
NewYork Times, HealthDay News, Yahoo News, Fox News, 2minutesmedicine, MedPage Today, Reuters Health, WebMD.com, Health.com
19. Dai H. Attitudes toward Tobacco 21 among U.S. Youth. Pediatrics. 2017. [Impact Factor=5.8] This study received multiple media citations, including Altmetric,
Health Day, Medical Xpress, Doctors Lounge, The Philadelphia Inquirer, WGAL-TV, American Academy of Pediatrics, medworm, Merkmanual, PennstateHershey, Hola Doctor.
20. Dai H. Tobacco Product Use Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2017. [Impact Factor=5.8] This study received multiple media citations, including Altmetric,
Reuters, Physician’s Briefing, International Business Times, Huffington Post, Health Newsline, KDAL-FM, WHTC-AM, M.D. Alert, New England Cable News, WNYT-TV ! NBC News, Business Insider, Pink News, Doctor’s Lounge, WTAG-FM.
21. Dai
H, Catley D, Richter K,
Goggin K, Ellerbeck. Electronic Cigarettes and Future Marijuana Use: A Longitudinal
Study. Pediatrics. 2018. [Impact
Factor=5.7] This study received multiple media citations, including Altmetric, Reuters,
Yahoo! 7 News, Aol., Business Insider,
HealthDay News, U.S. News &
World Report, Newsmax, Doctors Lounge,
Medical Xpress,
The Inquirer,
MD Edge,
2-Minute Medicine,
and WTHR-TV.
22. Dai
H, Clements M. Trends
in Health Care Provider Advice on Youth Tobacco Use: 2011 – 2015. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
2018. In press. [Impact Factor=4.5]
23. Dai H. Single, Dual, and Poly Use of Flavored Tobacco Products among Youth in the United States: 2014. Preventing Chronic Disease. In press. [Impact Factor=2.2]
24. Dai H, Hao J. Temporal Trends of Sources of Cigarettes among U.S. High School Students: 2001-2015. Nicotine and
Tobacco Research. 2018. [Impact Factor=4.6]
25. Dai H, Catley D. The Effects of Assurances of Voluntary Compliance on Retail Sales to Minors in the United States: 2015-2016. Preventive Medicine. 2018. [Impact Factor=3.1]
Dai H. Exposure to Advertisements and Marijuana Use Among US Adolescents. Preventing Chronic
Disease. 2017; 14:170253. [Impact Factor=2.2]
27. Dai H, Hao J. The Effects of Tobacco Control Policies on Retailer Sales to Minors in the United States, 2015. Tobacco Control. 2017. [Impact Factor=6.3]
28. Dai H, Hao J, Catley
D. Studies on Vape Shop Density,
a Response from the Authors.
Nicotine and
Tobacco Research. 2017 [Impact Factor=4.6]
29. Dai H, Hao J, Catley
Vape Shop Density and Socio-demographic
Disparities: A U.S. Census Tract Analysis. Nicotine and
Tobacco Research. 2017 Nov 1;19(11):1338-1344 [Impact Factor=4.6]
Dai H, Hao J. Sleep Deprivation and Chronic Health Conditions Among Sexual Minority Adults.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
2017. [Impact Factor=2.5]
Dai H, Hao J. Electronic Cigarette and Marijuana
Use among Youth in the United States. Addictive Behaviors. 2017 [Impact Factor=2.8]
32. Dai H, Hao J. Promotions and Electronic Cigarette Use among U.S. Adults, 2013-2014.
Preventing Chronic
Disease. 2017 [Impact Factor=2.2]
33. Dai H, Hao J. Exposure to Advertisements and Susceptibility to Electronic Cigarette Use Among Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016. [Impact Factor=3.8]. This study received a media citation
from Science News for Students
Dai H, Hao J. Geographic Density and Proximity of Vape Shops to Colleges
in the USA. Tobacco Control. 2016 [Impact Factor=6.3]
35. Dai H, Hao J. The Prevalence of Exposure to Workplace Secondhand Smoke in the US: 2010 to 2015.
Volume 19, Issue 11, 1
November 2017, Pages 1300–1307. Nicotine and Tobacco
Research. [Impact Factor=4.6]
Social Media Surveillance
Dai H, Hao J. Mining Social Media Data for Opinion Polarities about Electronic Cigarettes.
Tobacco Control. 2017; 26:175–180. [Impact Factor=6.3]
Dai H, Hao J. Mining Social Media Data on Marijuana
Use for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Computers in Human Behavior. 2017. [Impact Factor=3.7]
38. Dai H, Lee B, Hao J. Predicting Asthma Prevalence by Linking Social Media Data and Traditional Surveys. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2017.
Hao J, Dai H. Payday Loan Marketing in
Social Networks. Journal
Consumer Affairs. 2017.
40. Dai H, Deem M, Hao J. Geographic Variations in Electronic Cigarette Advertisements on Twitter in
the United States. International
Journal of Public Health. 2016. [Impact Factor=2.7]
41. Hao J, Dai H. Social Media Content and Sentiment Analysis on Consumer Security Breaches.
Journal of Financial Crime. 2016, 23(4): 855
– 869.
Other Collaborative Studies
42. Cuna A, Liu C, Govindarajan S, Queen M, Dai H, Truog W. Usefulness of an Online Risk Estimator for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Predicting Corticosteroid Treatment in Preterm Infants. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2018 [Impact Factor=3.9]
43. New J, Arnold L, Ananth M, Alvi S, Thornton M, Werner L, Tawfik O, Dai H, Shnayder Y, Kakarala K, Tsue T, Girod D, Ding W, Anant S, Thomas S. Secretory autophagy in cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes head and neck cancer progression and offers a novel therapeutic target. Cancer Research. 2017 in press [Impact Factor=9.3]
44. Srivastava T, Dai H, Heruth D, Alon U, Garola R, Zhou J, Duncan S, El-Meanawy A, McCarthy E, Sharma R, Johnson M, Savin V, Sharma M. Mechanotransduction Signaling in Podocytes from Fluid Flow Shear Stress. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology. 2017 in press. [Impact Factor=3.6]
45. Jones B, Sherwin M, Liu X, Dai H, Vyhlidal C. Genetic Variation in the Histamine
Production, Response, and Degradation Pathway is associated with Histamine Pharmacodynamic Response
in Children with Asthma. Frontiers
in Pharmacology, section Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics. January
2017. [Impact Factor=4.4]
46. D’Silva L, Whitney S, Dai H, Santos M, Kluding P. "The Impact of Diabetes on Mobility, Balance, and Recovery after Repositioning Maneuvers in Individuals with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo”, Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2017. [Impact Factor=3.0]
47. Akangire G, Manimtim W, Nyp M, Townley N, Dai H, Norberg M, Taylor J, “Factors Leading to Re-hospitalization for Tracheostomized, Ventilator-Dependent Infants Through 2 Years of Age”, Journal of Perinatology. 2017. [Impact Factor=2.1]
48. D’Silva L, Kluding P, Whitney
S, Dai H, Santos M. “Postural
sway in individuals with type 2 diabetes
and concurrent benign paroxysmal positional vertigo”,
The International Journal of Neuroscience. 2017.
49. Cuna A, Lewis T, Oschman A, Dai H, Govindarajan S, Brophy K, Norberg M, Nyp M, Truog W, Outcomes of infants who failed to extubate with systemic corticosteroids, American Journal of Perinatology. 2017.
50. Chlebowski M, Dai H, Kaine S. The Effect on Somatic Growth of Surgical and Catheter Treatment of Secundum Atrial Septal Defects, Pediatric Cardiology. 2017
51. Rosterman J, Truog W, Escobar H, Meinert K, Holmes A, Dai H, Manimtim W. The impact of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) mode on respiratory severity score and energy expenditure in infants: a randomized crossover trial. Journal of Perinatology. 2017 [Impact Factor=2.1]
52. McLaughlin M, He Y, Brunstrom-Hernandez J, Thio L, Carleton B, Ross C, Gaedigk A, Lewandowski A, Dai H, Jusko W, Leeder J. Pharmacogenomic Variability of Oral Baclofen Clearance and Clinical Response in Children with Cerebral Palsy. PM&R. 2017
53. Lyman B, Williams M, Sollazzo J, Hayden A, Hensley P, Dai H, Roberts
C. Enteral Feeding Set Handling Techniques, Nutrition in Clinical Practice.
December, 2016. [Impact Facto=2.5]
54. Lawson C, Attard T, Septer S, Dai H. Genetic Counselor Practices Involving Pediatric Patients with FAP: an Investigation of their Self-Reported Strategies for Genetic Testing and Hepatoblastoma Screening. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2016. [Impact Factor=2.0]
55. D’Silva L, Staecker H, Lin J, Maddux C, Ferraro J, Dai H, Kluding P. Otolith Dysfunction in persons with both Diabetes and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Otology and Neurotology [Impact Factor=2.0]
56. Cuna A, Govindarajan S, Oschman A, Dai H, Brophy K, BS, Norberg M, Truog W. A Comparison of 7-day Versus 10-day Course of Low-Dose Dexamethasone for Chronically Ventilated Preterm Infants. Journal of Perinatology. 2016. [Impact Factor=2.0]
57. Taylor JM, Oladitan L, Degnan A, Henderson
S, Dai H, Warady BA. Psychosocial factors that create
barriers to managing
serum phosphorus levels in pediatric dialysis patients: a retrospective analysis. J Ren Nutr. 2016. [Impact
Factor=2.3]. This study received a media citation from renalandurologynews.com
58. Lalan S, Dai H, Warady B. Hypogammaglobulinemia in Infants Receiving Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis. Pediatric Nephrology. 2016 [Impact Factor 2.3]
59. Pudur S, Srivastava T, Sharma M, Sharma R, Tarima S, Dai H, McCarthy E, Savin V. Serum glomerular albumin permeability activity: association with rapid progression to end-stage renal disease in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. SpringerPlus. 2016.
60. Pearce R, Gaedigk R, Twist G, Dai H, Riffel A, Leeder JS and Gaedigk A. Developmental Expression of CYP2B6: A Comprehensive Analysis of mRNA Expression, Protein Content and Bupropion Hydroxylase Activity and the Impact of Genetic Variation. Drug Metabolism & Disposition. July 2016. [Impact Factor=3.3]
61. Raman S, Dai H, DeLurgio S, Williams D, Lind M, Patton S, Spertus J, Kosiborod M, Clements M. High Hemoglobin A1c Variability is Associated with Early Risk of Microalbuminuria in Children with T1D. Pediatric Diabetes. September 2016. [Impact Factor=3.5]
62. Taylor J, Go M , Nyp M, Legino J, Norberg M, Dai H, Truog W. Re-hospitalization in Infants Born < 29 Weeks’ Gestation during the First 2 Years of Life: Risk Assessment. American Journal of Perinatology. 2016.
Voytek Slowik, Thomas Attard,
Dai H, Shah R, Septer S.
Desmoid Tumors Complicating
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis: A Meta-Analysis Mutation Spectrum Of Affected
Individuals, BMC Gastroenterology. 2015, 15:84. [Impact Factor=2.7]
64. Singh J, Merrill E, Sandesara P, Schoeneberg L, Dai H, Raghuveer G. Vitamin D, Low Grade Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk in Young Children – A Pilot Study, Pediatric Cardiology. 2015.
65. Anvari S, Vyhlidal C, Rezaiekhaligh M, Dai H, Jones B. Genetic Variation Along the Histamine Pathway In Children
with Allergic vs Non-Allergic Asthma. American
Journal of Respiratory Cell and
Molecular Biology. 2015. [Impact Factor=4.1]
66. Ghufran B, Broussard
J, Dai H, Ugrasbul F. The Dilemma
of Diagnosing Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus [T2DM] in Overweight Children and Adolescents." International Journal of Sciences: Basic and
Applied Research. 2015.
67. Dai H, Herskovic J, and Anton M. Comparison of Experimental Designs and Measurement Types: Two Satiety
Studies, Food Science
and Technology Letters. 2014, 5(1): 52-58.
68. Merrill E, Schoeneberg L, Sandersara P, Molitor-Kirsch E, O’Brien J, Dai H, Raghuveer G. Outcomes Following Prolonged Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support in Children with Cardiac Disease- Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry Study, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2014, 148(2):582-588. [Impact Factor=2.3]
69. Taylor J, Nyp M, Norberg M, Dai H, Escobar H, Ellerbeck E, Truog W. Impact of Intercurrent Respiratory Infections on Lung Health in Infants Born < 29 Weeks with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Journal of Perinatology. 2014, 34(3): 223-228. [Impact Factor=2.1]
70. He Y, Brunstrom-Hernandez J, Thio L, Lackey S, Gaebler-Spira D, Kuroda M, Stashinko E, Hoon A, Vargus-Adams J, Stevenson RD, Lowenhaupt S, McLaughlin J, Christensen A, Dosa N, Butler M, Schwabe A, Lopez C, Roge D, Kennedy D, Tilton A, Krach L, Lewandowski A, Dai H, Gaedigk A, Leeder J, Jusko W. Population Pharmacokinetics of Oral Baclofen in Pediatric Patients with Cerebral Palsy. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2014, 164(5): 1181 -1188. [Impact Factor=3.9]
71. Denney L, Ferris L, Dai H, Maletsky L. Analysis of a Rotary Task
Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: Stair Descent with a Cross-over Turn. Journal
of Engineering in Medicine. 2014, 228
(5): 429 - 438.
72. Lalan S, Abdel-Rahman S, Gaedigk A, Leeder J, Warady B, Dai H, Blowey D. Effect of CYP3A5 genotype, steroids, and azoles on tacrolimus in a pediatric renal transplant population. Pediatric Nephrology. 2014, 29(10): 2039 - 2049. [Impact Factor 2.3]
73. Manickavasagam E, Dai H, Griffith J. HPV Vaccine
Status and BMI Correlation. Obesity
& Control Therapies: Open
Access. 2014.
74. Thornton K, Dai H, Septer S, Petrikin J. Effects of Whole Body Therapeutic Hypothermia on Gastrointestinal Morbidity and Feeding Tolerance in Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, International Journal of Pediatrics. 2014, Article ID 643689.
75. Raje N, Vyhlidal C, Dai H, Jones B. Genetic variation within the histamine pathway among patients with asthma- a pilot study. Journal of Asthma. 2014.
76. Septer S, Slowik V, Morgan R, Dai H, Attard T. Thyroid cancer complicating familial adenomatous polyposis: mutation spectrum of at-risk individuals, Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. 2013, 11:13. DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/1897-4287-11-13.
77. Federly T, Jones B, Dai H, Dinakar C. Food Specific IgE Levels in Children Should be Interpreted in Context of Total
IgE. Annals of Allergy, Asthma &
Immunology, 2013, 111(1): 20-4. [Impact Factor 2.6]
78. Jones B, Graham B, Riffel A, Dai H, Rosenwasser L, Vyhlidal C. Genetic Variation In The TNFA Promoter Region And TNFA Gene Expression In Subjects With Asthma. Journal of Asthma. 2013, 50(6):541-7.
79. Vyhlidal C, Riffel A, Haley K, Sharma S, Dai H, Tantisira K, Weiss S, Leeder JS. Cotinine in Human Placenta Predicts Induction of Gene Expression in Fetal Tissues. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2013, 41(2): 305-11. [Impact Factor=3.3]
80. Kharod A, Ramlogan S, Kumar S, Raghuveer T, Drake W, Dai H, Raghuveer G. Childhood Obesity Increases Left Ventricular Mass Irrespective Of Blood Pressure Status. Pediatric Cardiology. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00246-013-0782-5
81. Srivastava T, Celsi G, Sharma M, Dai H, McCarthy E, Ruiz M, Cudmore P, Alon U, Sharma R, Savin V. Fluid Flow Shear Stress Over Podocytes Is Increased In Solitary Kidney, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2013, 0: 1–8. DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gft387 [Impact Factor=4.1]
82. Truog W, Nyp M, Taylor J, Gratny L, Escobar H, Manimtim W, Lachica C, Khmour A, Oluola O, Oshodi A, Norberg M, Dai H, Pallotto E. Infants Born at <29 Weeks: Pulmonary Outcomes from a Hybrid Perinatal System, The Journal of Perinatology. 2013. DOI: 10.1038/jp.2013.125. [Impact Factor=2.1]
83. Vyhlidal C, Riffel A, Dai H, Rosenwasser L, Jones B. Detecting gene expression in buccal mucosa in subjects with asthma versus subjects without asthma, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. 2013, 24(2): 138-143. [Impact Factor=3.8]
84. Cheraghi N, Dai H, Raghuveer G. Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Atherosclerosis-Promoting Risk Factor Clustering But Not Vascular Damage in Children. Medical Science Monitor. 2012, 18(12): CR687-692.
85. Schurman JV, Friesen CA, Dai H, Danda EC, Hyman PE, Cocjin JT. Sleep problems and functional disability in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders: An examination of the potential mediating effects of physical and emotional symptoms. BMC Gastroenterology, 2012, 12:142. [Impact Factor=2.7]
86. Becker M, Haandel L, Gaedigk R, Thomas B, Hoeltzel M, Lasky A, Dai H, Stobaugh J, Leeder Red Blood Cell Folate Concentrations and Polyglutamate Distribution in Juvenile Arthritis: Predictors of Folate Variability. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. 2012, 22(4): 236-246. [Impact Factor=2.9]
87. Myers A, Gaedigk A, Dai H, James L, Jones B, Neville K. Defining Risk Factors for Red Man Syndrome in Children and Adults. Pediatric
Infectious Disease Journal. 2012, 31(5): 464-468.
[Impact Factor=2.7]
88. Hao J, Bathke A, Skees JR, and Dai H. Weather Risks, Ratemaking, and Modeling the Tail Distribution: An Application of Extreme Value Theory. International Journal of Ecological Economics and
Statistics. 2011, 20 (W11): 51-68.
89. Srivastava T, Garg U, Ruiz M, Dai H, Alon U. Serum 25(OH)-Vitamin D Level in Children: Is There a Need to Change the Reference Range Based on 2011 Institute of Medicine Report? Clinical Pediatrics. 2011.
90. Binns C, Etchison W, Bloodgood E, Minton C, Thompson N, Collins M, Hunter S, and Dai H. Body Mass Index and Percent Body Fat as Indicators for Obesity in an Adolescent Athletic Population. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 2011, 3: 249-252.
91. Srivastava T, Dai H, Haney C, Along U. Serum Vitamin
D Level and Acute Phase Reaction Following Initial Intravenous Bisphosphonate. Journal
of Bone and Mineral Research. 2011, 26: 437-8. [Impact Factor=6.3]
92. Becker M, Gaedigk R, Haandel L, Thomas B, Lasky A, Hoeltzel M, Dai H, Stobaugh J, Leeder
S. The Effect of Genotype on Methotrexate Polyglutamate Variability in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Association with Drug Response. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2011, 63(1): 276-85. [Impact Factor=7.8]
93. Sithisarn T, Bada HS, Dai H, Randall DC, Legan SJ. Effects of perinatal cocaine exposure on open field behavior and the response to corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) in rat offspring. Brain Research. 2011, 1370: 136-144. [Impact Factor=2.7]
94. Philip B, Carre M, Dai H, and Hubert B. Variability of ASA Physical Status Class Assignment among Pediatric Sedation Practitioners. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2009, 21(2): 213-220.
95. Sithisarn T, Bada H, Dai H, Reinhardt C, Randall D, and Legan S. Effects of Perinatal Oxycodone Exposure on the Response to CRH in Late Adolescent Rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2008, 30(2): 118-124. [Impact Factor=2.8]
96. John V, Dai H, Talati A, Charnigo R, Neuman MR, Bada H. Autonomic Alterations in Cocaine-Exposed Neonates Following Orthostatic Stress. Pediatric Research. 2007, 61(2): 251-256. [Impact Factor=2.8]
97. Griffith JR, Gantz S, Lowry J, Dai H, and Bada H. Insurance Reimbursement in a University-Based Primary Care Pediatric Weight Management Clinic. Journal
of the National
Medical Association. 2007, 99(9): 1037-1041.
2016 Honorarium for invited presentation at the 2016 SOCN New Data Linkages Conference
2014 Travel Award for Conference on Nonparametric
Statistics for Big Data.
2013 Travel Award for ENAR Workshop for Junior Researchers in
2012 Bursary Award for research collaboration, issued by 1st
Short Course on Statistical Genetics and Genomics, University of Alabama at
2011 Travel Award for NIH Funded 1st Short Course on
Statistical Genetics and Genomics, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
2006 Biopharmaceutical Student Paper Competition Award (first
place), Joint Statistical Meeting of American Statistical Association.
2006 R.L. Anderson Award for Best Student, Department of
Statistics, University of Kentucky.
Last edited on 04/16/2018.